Change of seasons. Flowers are beginning to bloom, warmer weather is starting to become a bit more normal and life is making all sorts of twists and turns. I am still getting many opportunities to take photos. The ones in this post are of my wonderful family. Charles' sister has such a great family. They made time to spend with me on a very very cold morning in March. We had hoped for sun, but the clouds would not agree. Yet, they kept smiling and we enjoyed some covered areas on the University of Puget Sound.

I should have had this blog up quite a few weeks ago, but life for my little family has taken some turns. Not unexpected but not easy none the less. Charles has taken on other employment, which has shifted our whole schedule around. We went from having very consistent time to not knowing what each week will bring. This of course has played into care for Chloe and ...well... has left both of us pretty drained. Hard to find time to blog when you save any time possible to spend as a family or simply catch up with my husband about his day or even sometimes his last couple days. This season for us is very stretching. And being pregnant on top of that stretching hasn't made it any easier. God is good in all of it. We are taken care of each and every day. But, I do pray for the end of the tunnel.
I am going to try to continue to post every two weeks. After my hiatus, I really feel this is a great way to share some of the favorite images I have from the sessions I do. I can't express what a blessing it is to spend a few hours with people and capture their smiles, laughter and love. It is even more special when it's family!!
I pray they realize how special I think they are.
I loved this series! There are so many good images. You captured the fun, the joy, and the beauty. You are so talented!!