This last weekend I was able to visit my family up in Friday Harbor. I have to admit we are very blessed to have such an amazing place to visit with out having to pay for much more than gas, ferry and a little food. Although... I am always happy to be back in my bed after any trip. We definitely were a bit more challenged this time around with a nearly two year old in the back seat who does not like to sit still worth beans. This first photo was her getting to sit in the driver seat while we waited for the ferry.

The next leg of our trip was the ferry ride, which Chloe thoroughly enjoyed. We walked around a couple times. However, the wind made the ride a bit unbalanced so walking around didn't last long. Journeys out onto the deck were fairly cold and made for short visits. Lastly, we found ourselves sitting at a booth looking out at the water. I was taking photos of my curious little girl, which always leads to her wanting to take some photos of her own. We decided to take some of daddy. He made sure we had lots of fun faces to take pictures of. Our next stop brought us to my parent's house. This was the first time my parents have gotten a lot of consistent time with this little one. And boy did she have a wonderful time. She had the chance to also really get to know my parents dog Ariel. By the end of the weekend she was even comfortable enough to tell the dog to come, sit and get out!
Chloe has done so much to my perspective in life. More than anything she reminds me to smile, enjoy life and think about the good God has placed all around us. Her laughter is contagious, her joy brings joy.
Our trip was really special because it also held some really great time with my brother and to-be sister in law and getting to meet their new puppy Lucky. Also, while spending time in the San Juans we also got to see where my brother's wedding will be. The San Juan Vineyard and Winery is going to be a beautiful location. June seems to far off, yet I know it will be here in no time.
Nothing like time with family to keep your mind focused on what is important.
Mark 12: 29-31 - ... love the Lord your God with all your heart, all your soul. all your mind, and all your strength. The second is equally important, "Love your neighbor as yourself."...
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