For much of the Northwest the visit from winter has not been a pleasant one. Lots of snow, then ice and now rain upon more rain. I loved the ability to spend a random weekday home with my wonderful family. Watching Chloe, my daughter, really experience snow for the first time was exciting. Through the eyes of a child, if you pay attention, you can learn a lot. After our day together I started thinking about simplicity. How a simple day of being snowed in made my heart overflow. God didn't make life complicated, but in today's world, we sure have. I think that is one of the things about taking photos I truly love, there are things about photography that can be complicated, but when I am looking through a lens, life is simple. It is beautiful. The cold, the snow, the ice, it was beautiful.

I have been trying to challenge myself a bit with the idea of blogging. I know it will not only help me share some amazing experiences with some unique and special people, but I am hoping it will also stretch me and help me grow. Grow and become a better photographer. Stretch me in thinking about the things the Lord's put before me. I have often struggled with putting my thoughts in order. But, maybe... just maybe, I have found a way to help with that...
Remember the simple things. They can bring life into perspective.
Psalms 119:130
The unfolding of your words gives light;
it gives understanding to the simple.
Beautiful! looking forward to following along with your journey!